The Educational, Scientific and Production Republican Unitary Enterprise

Our products are developed in a full innovation cycle: from technical specifications to mass production

Innovative projects

We develop our products according to the full innovation cycle: from the formulation of the technical specification to mass production. Together with the Research Institute of the Physical and Chemical Problem BSU, within the framework of the State Program for the Pharmaceutical Industry Development of the Republic of Belarus (2016-2020), tasks are being implemented to develop technology and organize the production of original medicines “Foscelantan”, “Antispike”, “Prospidelong”. We have 5 patents of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, 2 Patents of the Eurasian Economic Union.

An innovative project of the Innovative Development State Program of the Republic of Belarus “Creation of low-tonnage production of pharmaceutical substances for the production of antitumor, cardiotropic and other medicines conforming to GMP standards based on organizations of the Ministry of Education” has been implemented, within which a site for the production of original medicines “Cisplacel”, “Temodex” for local chemotherapy of malignant brain tumors and tumors in the head and neck area has been created. Production sites of generic pharmaceutical substances “Temozolomide”, “Prospidium Chloride” have been created for the production of antitumor medicines and original pharmaceutical substances “Temodex”, “Prospidelong” and “Nitargal”.

As part of the Innovative Development State Program, an innovative project is being implemented “Organization of production of original bioresorbable multifunctional medicines” under GMP requirements. Implementation period 2019-2022.

About the Technopark

The Scientific and Technological Park (the Technopark) is an innovation infrastructure entity with an average number of employees up to 100 people. Its purpose is to promote the development of entrepreneurship in the scientific, technical, innovative spheres and to create conditions for implementing innovative activities by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who are residents of the Technopark. 

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20+ years of work experience


years of work experience

40+ developed and released products for a full innovation cycle


developed and released products for a full innovation cycle

17 participation in scientific and technological projects for the development of innovative products


participation in scientific and technological projects for the development of innovative products

+100 highly skilled workers


highly skilled workers



UE "UNITEHPROM BSU" is an educational, scientific and industrial republican unitary enterprise with the status of a scientific and technological park. Created on September 30, 1999. It is engaged in the development and introduction into the production of drugs and pharmaceutical substances, ingredients for the food industry, modern chemical-analytical and special

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Temodex, a prototype of SI-053 registered in Belarus for treatment of brain tumours, was awarded with Diploma GRAND PRIX at International Exhibition of Innovations HI - TECH, April 26-28, 2022, St. Petersburg, Russia

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Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus listed Temodex among top 25 innovative developments of universities and scientific organizations implemented in the sectors of the economy in 2016 – 2020.

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus listed Temodex among top 25 innovative developments of universities and scientific organizations implemented in the sectors of the economy in 2016 – 2020.

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